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International Certification in

Customer Experience 

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Advance your career. Pursue your passion. Deepen your Understanding


+ 110 Video Lessons 

Strategic and Innovative Content

Delivered by the Founders of WCES from

Brazil ant the USA


+ 700 Students

7 countries 

99,7% Pass Rate

Lives and Careers Transformed


The U.S. Government

Presents in Brazil 

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WCES Brochure ENG.jpg

The WCES E-learning Scale Program for Customer Experience Professionals

Official Program for Customer Experience Professionals

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Only available to students who

have passed the Intermediate Module

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Certificação Internacional
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Lucied Manduca Marques | High Level Customer Experience Professional

Lucied Manduca Marques | High Level Customer Experience Professional

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Welcome Portugal

Welcome Portugal

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Welcome Uruguay

Welcome Uruguay

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Where do our Students come from? 


WCES  |  World Customer Economic Science LLC - A company operating under laws of the United States of America, with headquarters in Utah-USA,  located at 519 South Orem Blvd. Orem, UTAH  84058,  USA

WCES  |  World Customer Economic Science LTDA - Uma empresa sob as leis Brasileiras, com sua sede oficial no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e seu endereço em Alameda Rio Negro, 503 | Sala 2020 - Alphaville, Barueri/SP CEP: 06454-000, registrado pelo CNPJ: 36.032.857/0001-30

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