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Distinguished CX Specialists are WCES

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Rodrigo Tavares 

Customer Experience Professor 

Master in Statistics - USP

It has a very high level of professionalism and methodology. This only reinforces that Customer Experience should be approached with scientific depth and perspective!

I am very proud to be part of this movement

Capa nova site .jpg

Bia Nobrega 

Top#5 HR Influencer 

Superintendent at Banco Digio

The content is well referenced and deep.  Thiago Quintino and Marco Lopez inspire. 

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Douglas Pinheiro 

Scientist in Customer Experience 

XP Inc. ​

''I've never seen anything like it in Brazil ''

In all the places I've been studying and following CX here in Brazil, I've never seen anything like it!

This Certification is exceptional, the content is incredible, and I am increasingly proud of being in CX!

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Miguel Noronha Feio 

MBA Professor ESPM 

Master in Business Administration

Proud to be a part of WCES! A combination of exceptional knowledge and best practices in Customer Experience

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Lucied Manduca 

Executive Director - Yara Brazil Author and Senior CX Professional

This certification has become a reference in the CX market.

A next step in our current level of understanding in Brazil. Dynamic and current content, and abounding with passion for strategy, people and customers.

Aeroporto Internacional mais pontual dos EUA

Utah construíu uma dinastia no mundo das Startups ultrapassando Nova Iorque e São Francisco (The Washington Post)

Our students are everywhere

Aeroporto Internacional mais pontual dos EUA

Our Inspiration! Exciting

Welcome Portugal
Carolina - São Paulo
Depoimento - Certificação Internacional
Depoimento Aluno WCES
Lucied Manduca Marques | High Level Customer Experience Professional
Alunos WCES - Depoimento
Welcome Uruguay
Depoimento Aluno WCES
Depoimento Aluna WCES
Depoimento Aluno WCES
A importância de uma Certificação Internacional em Customer Experience

WCES  |  World Customer Economic Science LLC - A company operating under laws of the United States of America, with headquarters in Utah-USA,  located at 519 South Orem Blvd. Orem, UTAH  84058,  USA

WCES  |  World Customer Economic Science LTDA - Uma empresa sob as leis Brasileiras, com sua sede oficial no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e seu endereço em Alameda Rio Negro, 503 | Sala 2020 - Alphaville, Barueri/SP CEP: 06454-000, registrado pelo CNPJ: 36.032.857/0001-30

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